Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I love weekends. I hate to say that I live for 'em, but I totally do!

Friday we got off work a little early to celebrate with Nick's cousin Katie as she graduated from WHS. Congratulations to all of the grads, but especially Katie Mullin, Tyler Shales, and Julie Wren! I have say, this was by far the most enjoyable graduation I've been to yet: Mallory Gillin nailed her amazing speech. I wish I had a video of it, but you can check out Nick's Facebook Page if you are interested!

We love you Katie!

Saturday I tackled a massive pile of dishes and eventually made my way to the refrigerator/freezer and found some really nast-o experiments growing in the back. I located all of my long-lost storage containers and did some serious scrubbing. Once I was done I tackled the pantry and in total we hauled out THREE garbage bags of stuff! I was shocked and we had to make an emergency run to the grocery store to restock our now-empty fridge. So here's the good part of this story: Lately we have been making a conscious effort to be smarter shoppers. Case in point -- reusable grocery bags! I always thought these would be a real hassle, but so long as you remember to take them with you they're great! Eventually I'd like to find some cuter ones because the Safeway standard issue bags aren't so adorable. Any suggestions on where to find some fun ones?

Not cute.

Sunday was our first day helping out with Kinderpraise at our church. Picture this: Nick and Adelae dancing around with a bunch of 3-6 year olds. It was pretty entertaining to say the least. I was pretty impressed with the comprehension of some of the little kiddos... they learned their bible verse and understood the stories surprisingly well for their age. Afterward I asked Nick if he wanted kids (joking) and he said "Only if I can select the ones I want."

We finished off the weekend with a hike up Castlerock, which neither of us had ever done for some reason. We were a little worried about running into snakes since its not a very well-traveled trail and there are lots of hot rocks and grasses which the rattlers love. Thankfully we saw limited wildlife and enjoyed a great view!

Hello Wenatchee

And the Go-Pro's maiden voyage:

Castlerock Hike 6/12/11 from Nick Winters on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Pier 1 has super cute reusable bags! They are a tiny bit more expensive, but definitely cute.
